"The Top Canadian universities are the academic equals of most flagship public universities and many leading privates in the United States." -- Fiske Guide to Colleges 2012
爱微教育坐落在位于卑诗省的温哥华,一座美丽的海滨城市。我们将为您提供最准确的加拿大留学信息。 Education in Canada is both affordable and high quality. Degrees from top Canadian institutions are recognized around the world. Our location in beautiful Vancouver, BC, allows us to give you the most accurate information on Canada's world-renowned education programs.
We assist families interested in both long-term and short-term study here in Canada. Short-term study programs are ideal for polishing English skills; long-term study means entry into the public and higher education systems.
Our consultants provide planning to K - Grade 12, post-secondary, and post-graduate schools in Canada.
Summer School 暑期课程 Study English in Canada 在加拿大学习英语
Study English in Canada. Attend classes specifically designed for international students and take field trips to many local destinations.